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#1 09-21-2014 22:57:57

Registered: 05-09-2014
Posts: 35

fix for typos in german translation


a patch that corrects two errors in the german translation:

--- d:\zw\ffDiaporama\ffDiaporama\locale\ffDiaporama_de.ts	2014-07-01 10:56:28.000000000 +0200
+++ f:\src\ffDiaporama\locale\ffDiaporama_de.ts	2014-09-21 22:49:52.000000000 +0200
@@ -5842,13 +5842,13 @@
         <source>Do you want to apply to this block the properties it has in the previous shot?</source>
         <translation>Möchten Sie die Änderungen aus dem vorherigem Dia auf den Block in diesem Dia übertragen?</translation>
         <location filename="../src/ffDiaporama/DlgSlide/DlgSlideProperties.cpp" line="142"/>
         <source>Multiple block turn</source>
-        <translation>Mehrere Blöcke drehen</translation>
+        <translation>Block mehrfach drehen</translation>
         <location filename="../src/ffDiaporama/DlgSlide/DlgSlideProperties.cpp" line="143"/>
@@ -7732,13 +7732,13 @@
         <translation>Lesen der Konfigurationsdatei</translation>
         <location filename="../src/ffDiaporama/engine/cBaseMediaFile.cpp" line="2208"/>
         <source>Impossible to read one image from the file</source>
         <comment>Error message</comment>
-        <translation>Es konnte kein Bild von dieser Dateo gelesen werden</translation>
+        <translation>Es konnte kein Bild von dieser Datei gelesen werden</translation>
         <location filename="../src/ffDiaporama/engine/cBaseMediaFile.cpp" line="2187"/>
         <location filename="../src/ffDiaporama/engine/cBaseMediaFile.cpp" line="3978"/>
         <source>This application support only audio track with unsigned 8 bits or signed 16 bits sample format</source>
         <comment>Error message</comment>



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