For this new version, major improvments are :
- Improved performance for preview and rendering
- Creation of Addon ffDiaporama-texturemate
- Adds 24 new shapes for block
- Adds a new block type: clip-art texts and adds a collection of 67 clip arts including comics bubbles, panels and papers to work with text clip-art
- Adds support of vector images as SVG format
- Adds the ability to export the audio track
- Adds the ability to change the frequency Sample Rate of soundtracks
- Complete overhaul of encoding and decoding audio/video engines
- Move help about dialog boxes from WIKI Web pages directly into each dialogs as tooltips
Details of changes of behavior and new features
Main window
- No longer displays a message indicating that a new version of ffDiaporama is available in the status bar but replaces it with a button yellow, green or red, depending on the case
- Adds display of the current chapter in the status bar
- Adds a progress box when adding project with the Add projects button of the main window
- Change the function of the buttons (Now they open the Multimedia Explorer rather than system file dialog)
- Open project, Add Files and Add Projects of the main window
- Add Files of the edition slides dialog
- Add Music of the music track edition dialog
- Select a file of the Background dialog (file mode)
- Change file in Framming dialog
- Adds a button to export the audio track
- Adds display of music title on the slide in the timeline
Slide edit dialog
- Now, when you click on the button "Add title" sub-menu appears allowing you to select "Simple Text" or "Text clipart"
- Supports clip-art text by adding a combo box to select a clip-art and mask multiple controls when the selected block is a block of type text clip-art
- Adds a popup when click on add clip-art text to select clip-art in edit slide dialog
Render dialog
- Adds a way to export the audio track
- Adds selection of audio frequency in Advance render and Export soundtrack dialog
- Adds audio export using adts,.m4a,.ogg and AC3 format/codec
- Changes in render dialog : box no longer closes when selecting inconsistent parameters
- Improves responsiveness of "Cancel" button in the render dialog box stop current render
Option dialog
- Adds an option to enable or disable the use of threads for pipe operations during video rendering
- Adds option to select audio rate for preview in option dialog
- Adds options in option dialog to define default values for format,codec,frequency and compression for rendering of soundtrack
- Change the combo box for selecting an image from the library in text and background dialog
- Do not keep anymore images of the library in memory => switch to LULO mode like photos
- Creation of Addon ffDiaporama-texturemate
- Changes the About box to display the readme.txt of ffDiaporama-texturemate addon (if present)
- Adds 24 new shapes for block
- Adds a new block type: clip-art texts
- Adds a collection of 67 clip arts including comics bubbles, panels and papers to work with text clip-art
- Speed up thumbnail creation of videos for multimedia file explorer
- Adds support of vector images as SVG format
- Allow drag & drop from the multimedia explorer dialog only when adding files or projects from the main window
- Redirect LIBAV log message to ffDiaporama log system
- Adds .mp2 and .ac3 extensions to the list of supported extensions for audio files
- Adds support for Taiwanese (-lang = zh_tw) and languages with a sub code
- Accelerates display in dialogs and preview by reducing the quality of displayed images
- Replaces Taglib with new libav 9 functions for reading thumbnails of audio files (a lib of less)
- Modify starter to force the use of SSE1 version on computer using Windows/XP
- Optimizes image playback when previewing
- Optimizes the creation of thumbnails for images without exif-preview
- Modify background properties dialog to display used background when "same as precedent" option is selected
Details of bug fix
- Fixes problems in resampling sound causing a quaver of <48 KHz music
- Fixes a crash when double clicked in the timeline so that there is no slide
- Fixed a bug of display: The selection frame is always displayed on the previous selection when the preview is running and you click on another slide
- Fixed a bug of interface: In the slide edit dialog, keyboard shortcuts of copy/paste of blocks takes over even when cursor is in an edit zone
- Several small bug fixes for undo in the slide edit dialog
- Fix duration error of rendered sound
- Fix a critical memory leak when reading video with libavfilter>=3.1
- Deletes the line "Capture an image of 0x0" of the image export button of the main window media player
- Crash when browsing large directory in multimedia explorer
- Reduces the quality of thumbnails when browse directories containing more than 100 files (temporary solution)
- Fixs bug of audio export using MP3 codec with libavcodec>=54.31 (Windows+some linux)
- Fixs conversion error of audio track using U8, U-LAW and FLT format (included WMV and WMA) with libavcodec>=54.31 (Windows+some linux)
- Modify render dialog to propose export to music folder when exporting sound track
- Fixed a bug with multiple selection in file explorer detailed view
- Fixed a bug in the render dialog: When the sound is unchecked, if you change the format, the controls are reactivated
- Fixed bug related to anamorphism 16/9 videos stored 640×480 (SESTAY: 852×480 instead of 853×480)
- Fixes problems in moving video files (seek)
- Disable language area when the sound inclusion is deselected in the render dialog
- Corrects the display of information when uncheck the inclusion of sound in the render dialog
- Fixes several random crashes on Windows related to multi-thread when browsing directories with the browser
- Because of too many problems with libav 9.x on Windows, switch dll used on Windows packages to ffmpeg/libav 9(Zeranoe) version
- Fixed bug of positioning blocks to default position when you select a style in the slide dialog
- Fixed bug of inactif del shortcut in slide dialog when the selection is a shot
- Fixed bug of display first shot edit slide dialog
- Fixed the bug of random shot change depdending on selection [SESTAY]
- Fixed a bug in the browser that buckled Multmedia sometimes in infinite
- Fixed a bug in the edit slide dialog for horizontal and vertical distribution functions:
=> The blocks are repositioned according to their order of appearance instead of their position
- Fixed bug of positioning the current video when capturing an image
- Fixed a bug in the edit slide dialog: The framming style change does not move the block
- Fixes bug of free forms: Changing the width no longer generates systematic change of the height [SESTAY]
- Force a WM_CLASS(String) to the main window to solve a probleme with "Cairo dock"
- Fixes sound noise during playback and bad music chaining
- Fixes a bug in the file selection dialog: Click on OK when a directory is selected opens the folder instead of closing the dialog
- Adjusts the size of the font used to display thumbnails on KDE systems